oZZle's Blog

The Recruitment Blog for Print and Packaging People.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Why firing gets more headline space than hiring...

An excellent article from HR Magazine which highlights that it's only the bad news which grabs the headlines. There is such a lot of good work going on which is unreported.

"TV business editor, aka @ITVLauraK, tweeted: ‘Lloyds Bank is telling 1,600 people today that their jobs are disappearing’ – swiftly followed by ‘about 3,000 IT jobs are going permanently abroad’, says Octavius Black (pictured).
At the same time, a report by Manpower showed a significant upturn in employers planning to take on more staff versus those intending to reduce their workforce.
This second story affected tens of thousands of people looking for work, not only because of its scale but because it is happening now.
But the business editor doesn't tweet this good news.
There are over 500,000 more private sector jobs since the last election. Not a lot of people tell you that. Instead, the news noise is about the increase in unemployment which, though horrendous for those affected, has had a direct impact on many fewer. Over the same period, there are 100,000 more people claiming unemployment benefit.
Confidence is what we most need to emerge from our economic gloom. Optimists achieve more even if they are wrong and now here's a chance to be factually accurate and upbeat."

Read the full article here.


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